- User rating
- Business rating
- System of prizes for activity
- Paid content
- System of reviews about business and services
- Ability to earn activity points

- Business search map with geolocation display
- Ceo package for business
- Competitor visibility package
- How to get there
- Reservation/rental system

- Weather widget
- Correspondence in the middle of the resource
- Subscribe to news
- New opportunities
- The system of donations (contributions) for the development of the platform
- List of places to visit

GovaToDay helps business
GovaToDay helps companies attract customers and also helps customers find the best service options

We aim to provide business owners with the opportunity and a reliable platform to grow their businesses in a fair competition environment, regardless of their financial status or profitability.

High costs should not be the foundation of a business's success. Quality and uniqueness of the product are what matter! We aim to help companies through the power of community, where the community itself serves as both advertising and consumers.
So how to work with us
A simple way to work with us: log in via social networks or create your account. Choose a user role and follow the instructions you will receive by email. After that, make your business page and share it for more benefits!