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Sky Garden London

Botanic Gardens

Fenchurch Street 20
United Kingdom


London is renowned for its magnificent architecture, deep-rooted history, and lively culture. However, the capital of England is also infamous for its exorbitant cost of living. Traveling to London can dent a hole in the wallet, but there are numerous ways to cut down on costs when touring this charming city. One of the ways to achieve this is by paying a visit to Sky Garden.

What is Sky Garden?

Sky Garden is an open-to-the-public garden with an astonishing viewing terrace, the highest in London. It is located at the 35th level of the building known as the Walkie-Talkie or 20 Fenchurch Street. This place is a top attraction that offers a free, magnificent view of the city.

A green oasis within a city

Sky Garden is made up of several floors covered with different kinds of plants and trees. It provides a calm environment away from the hustle and bustle of the streets below. The selection of flowers is impressive, but most people are drawn by its stunning view. The garden has walkways that interconnect various levels, and one can use staircases as they please, hence offering multiple angles from which to see it and consequently allowing for the discovery of new cityscapes again.

Why should One go to Sky Garden?

Anyone who enjoys panoramic views or photography, cannot miss Sky Garden. There are towers such as Tower Bridge or Shard that are visible from this attraction due to its ability to rotate up to 360 degrees. Also, during sunrise and sunset, when everything is covered with golden light this place becomes even more breathtaking. Another reason is that there are limited tickets available so it’s never crowded hence giving visitors peace while enjoying their view.

Enjoy delicious food at Sky Garden

There are several re­staurants and bars here, each serving up delecta­ble food and drinks, from quick bites and cocktails to full-blown feasts. Plus, getting a table at any of these places grants you access to the actual garden itself. So if you’re hungry for more than just good scenery…

Some of the most well-loved dining spots include the Darwin Brasserie­, Fenchurch Restaurant, and Sky Pod Bar. Each location offers different cuisines, ranging from traditional British fares to dishes from all over the world. So there’s something for everyone!

Located on level 36, Darwin Brasserie is a modern British diner for those who love classic dishes made with fresh ingredients sourced locally—like roast beef or fish and chips. It’s got a laid-back vibe that’s perfect for dinner with family or friends.

As for Fenchurch Restaurant, situated on floor 37; it’s a high-end eatery where they serve modern European cuisine using only seasonal products. For instance, among their specialities are such dishes as salmon served together with various vegetables or steak accompanied by black pepper sauce. The stunning panoramic views of the city from the inside combined with its stylish design is what makes this place ideal not only towards romantic dates but also for any special occasion celebratory events.

And then there’s Sky Pod Bar, found on the 35th floor. This trendy joint offers light bites alongside cocktails throughout daylight hours before switching over exclusively into an evening rendezvous point complete with live music performances. Their inventiveness lies within their mixology creations, which heavily feature local fruits mixed with British gin brands for that authentic taste infusion.

The places serve more­ than just good food and drinks; they also give visitors an opportunity to have and enjoy amazing views of London from above. At Sky Garden, there is something for everyone, whether you want to eat casually during lunch hours or have a fancy din­ner at night.

Operational hours and contacts

The observation deck at Sky Garden is ope­n from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm and wee­kends from 11 am to 9 pm. The restaurants are­ open Sunday through Thursday from 8 am un­til midnight and on Friday throu­gh Saturday till 2 am. Email skygarden@20fen­ for general inquirie­s. There is an online system where new ti­ckets can only be bo­oked. No request fo­r ticke­ts will be acc­epted through the pho­ne.

To reserve a table at Darwin Brasse­rie, Fenchurch Restaurant, or Sky Pod Bar; call +44 333 772 0020 or e­mail This phone numbe­r should not be used to ask about fre­e public entry ticke­ts. For more­ information, visit their offi­cial site. 

It is easy to book ti­ckets for Sky Garde­n. However, entry to this place is fr­ee of charge, but r­eservations must b­e made in advance. You can make your reservation starting from Monday for the next week online. It is wise to book early because ticke­ts are few and sell out quickly due to high de­mand.

Some last mi­nute weekday entry ticke­ts are available for visitors who are spontaneous from 10:00 – 11:30 am and 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm but not on weeke­nds. It is advisable to arrive 20 minutes before your selected time slot to allow for security che­cks which are si­milar to those at airports. Be mindful of long queue­s, especially du­ring peak periods.

When you want to have the perfect day, here are some things to think about: Make sure you pack a camera so that you can take pictures of the amazing cityscape visible through the glass walls. Layer your clothing because the temperature inside may fluctuate. Try to plan your trip for daytime and nighttime visits—the shimmering lights of London at twilight will leave you breathless. It’s easy to get around Sky Garden. There are elevators, restrooms, and walkways that are wide enough for wheelchairs.

Sky Garden is just one attraction among many in London. It is next to places like Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, and the Museum of London Docklands. By combining these locations with Sky Garden, you could spend an entire day sightseeing. 

If you want a panoramic view of the city, this is the spot. Besides, lots of people go there because it doesn’t cost anything! That can be hard to believe when everything else in London seems so expensive. Visitors appreciate the fact that entry is quick after a few security checks. But remember: before coming here, buy your tickets online first! Additionally, guests have nothing but good things to say about dining at this establishment; they love how delicious all their foods are, as well as encounters with friendly staff members.

In conclusion 

The sky garden should not be missed if you ever travel around here; it’s truly wonderful! Be prepared with early reservations since these tickets go fast, and won’t want to miss out on anything offered through such an incredible establishment. Take advantage of being able to see views like no other from high above all those busy streets without spending too much money!

London’s Sky Garden is much more than just another green space – it’s an unforgettable experience! Whether this will be your first time visiting our city or if you are a frequent visitor there is no other place like it where one can take in such breathtaking views of London. It provides a tranquil escape above the hustle and bustle below, with stunning sights at every turn. Bring along some cameras, get those tickets early and prepare yourself for what promises to be an incredible day out at Sky Garden.

Work schedule/Pricing

Time of stay
1-2 hours


20 Fenchurch Street, London, United Kingdom


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